51.   Microscopic submarines powered by bacteria could zip round the body delivering drugs and zapping tumors, say researchers in Utah who are developing a novel biomotor.

52.   Not really, say researchers from the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J.

53.   Normally, liver cancer affects elderly people in developed countries, said the researchers in a report in the current issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

54.   Not so, say researchers who have begun to uncover the mysteries of healthy aging.

55.   Once the tryptophan raises serotonin levels, a natural sedative effect may set in, the researchers said.

56.   One possible reason, researchers said, is they face a higher volume of requests for data or materials, making it more burdensome to comply.

57.   Part of the problem, researchers said, is that computer monitors are specifically built to reproduce the world for the human eye.

58.   Promising gene-therapy clinical trials for cancer and hemophilia are underway as well, researchers said.

59.   Questions like these only can be answered with more research in trauma medicine, which has traditionally gotten little funding, researchers said.

60.   Regular doses of worms might rid people of inflammatory bowel disease, say researchers in Iowa.

v. + researcher >>共 224
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