51.   Experts say that makes the job more difficult for government lawyers who are trying to preserve their historic antitrust victory ordering the breakup of Microsoft.

52.   Experts say that makes the job more difficult for government lawyers who are trying to preserve their historic antitrust victory ordering the breakup of Microsoft for anticompetitive practices.

53.   Gayssot, the transport ministry, said making owners live up to their end of the bargain was a key issue.

54.   He said that makes it tough on the opponents who just spent the opening five minutes trying to defend the starters.

55.   He said police made the shelter arrests because the homeless people were suspected of violating various laws, and further, that the arrests will help make shelters safer.

56.   Hemberger said that made Djajic guilty as an accessory, also in the attempted murder of his former friend.

57.   Human rights advocates say making alternative service twice as long as army service effectively turns it into a punishment.

58.   Jordan also said making the main character a firefighter who becomes a vigilante is an insult to the firefighters who became heroes after the terrorist attacks.

59.   Made said the three suspects -- Paul Soetopo Tjokronegoro, Hendrobudiyanto and Heru Soepraptomo -- were investigated following a probe of the five banks.

60.   Moore has failed to finish the last three races and said making it to the end Sunday was a priority.

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