51.   Part of the problem is that he has forged a centralised command-and-control style of government -- too presidential, say his critics.

v. + critic >>共 392
have 14.18%
silence 8.01%
answer 4.98%
say 3.02%
dismiss 2.55%
accuse 2.49%
satisfy 2.08%
confound 1.84%
quiet 1.84%
appease 1.66%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
critic 0.08%
每页显示:    共 51