51.   He complained that several Arab countries had not completely withdrawn their support for the UN oil and trade sanctions imposed after the invasion of Kuwait.

52.   He spoke three days after the Security Council decided to maintain economic sanctions imposed six years ago.

53.   In the past six months India-US defence ties have overcome the US sanctions imposed after the nuclear tests with several senior officials and ministers exchanging visits.

54.   Iraq warned Tuesday it could explode if Gulf Arab states kept up pressure to maintain sanctions imposed on Baghdad after it invaded Kuwait five years ago.

55.   Burma intends to retaliate against European Union sanctions imposed this week to restrict visas for senior Burmese officials, Foreign Minister Ohn Gyaw said Friday.

56.   The release of prisoners is one of the conditions for the lifting of United Nations sanctions imposed on Baghdad after its invasion of Kuwait.

57.   The UN Security Council voted Wednesday to immediately suspend economic and trade sanctions imposed against Serbia and Montenegro in retribution for their role in the Balkans conflict.

58.   The UN Security Council voted Wednesday to immediately suspend economic and trade sanctions imposed against Serbia and Montenegro for their key role in the Balkans conflict.

59.   Kuwait and the United States insist that the issue is settled before any easing of United Nations sanctions imposed on Baghad shortly after the invasion.

60.   Pyongyang has said it would consider any sanctions imposed on it as an act of war.

n. + impose >>共 481
government 14.81%
authority 4.41%
state 3.48%
court 3.10%
law 3.03%
judge 2.93%
country 2.69%
army 2.62%
police 2.31%
sanction 2.13%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
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