51.   Resentment is sure to boil up inside the U.N. at the position taken by the U.S..

52.   So far, the resentment has been subdued.

53.   Sources have reported that there is some resentment in the camps of these young talents.

54.   Still there is resentment of the military presence.

55.   Some resentment is probably inevitable, though, in any system that ranks some people as more valuable than others, he said.

56.   Still, there is some resentment among employees forced to participate in programs when they would rather be concentrating on the bottom line.

57.   The big theological thinkers had been killed and there was resentment because many rabbis had been anti-Zionist.

58.   The groundswelling resentment is in search of a public champion.

59.   The more familiar managers make themselves with what rank-and-filers are going through, the less resentment there will be.

60.   The more important question is how did we get to this point where there are resentments in the first place?

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
resentment 0%
resentment + v. >>共 79
be 40.77%
grow 8.71%
build 3.48%
simmer 3.48%
linger 2.79%
run 2.44%
remain 2.09%
fester 1.39%
come 1.39%
lead 1.39%
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