51.   John Bell, media and communications research director at ABN Amro Hoare Govett, said the market will factor these into its valuations.

52.   Last September, Parekh hired Paul Shaum as managing director of high-yield research, followed by research director Glori Holzman in February.

53.   Just ask Monika Henzinger, research director at Mountain View search engine company Google.

54.   Lawrence Mishel, research director of the Economic Policy Institute, specializes in measuring how far the boats are out of sync.

55.   Larry McGill, research director for the Media Studies Center, said the mega-stories may create an antimedia backlash.

56.   MassINC research director Dana Ansel said there was some good news in the findings, which indicated that women are contributing more to the economy.

57.   Mark Cooper, research director for Consumer Federation of America, said that when it comes to ruling on monopolies, judges are always tough to predict.

58.   Mayree Clark, global research director at Morgan Stanley, said that potential conflicts had always existed between research and banking and the issue was taken very seriously.

59.   Mark Cooper, research director of the Consumer Federation of America, said even that assurance rings hollow without a consent decree, enforceable in court.

60.   Mayer was associated with the seaway project in the planning stages as the research director of the Chicago Plan Commission and member of the Chicago Regional Port District Board.

n. + director >>共 743
deputy 9.94%
music 4.65%
film 3.80%
communication 2.60%
finance 2.35%
personnel 2.16%
company 2.08%
research 2.05%
museum 1.90%
tournament 1.86%
research + n. >>共 733
center 5.62%
project 5.43%
group 4.91%
institute 4.06%
firm 3.99%
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program 2.33%
organization 2.06%
director 1.98%
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