51.   This will make Singapore the first country in the world to collect census information the Internet, government television reported.

52.   Troops leaving Chechnya are being left to shiver in snow-covered tents and abandoned barracks, and live on handouts from local people, Russian television reported Sunday.

53.   Two Russian soldiers and a kidnap victims being held captive in the rebel republic of Chechnya have been released, Russian television reported Sunday.

54.   While crews searched through the rubble, hundreds of survivors maintained campfire vigils near the mountains of broken bricks, concrete and household belongings, Russian television reported.

55.   Israeli helicopters fired rockets Tuesday at the southern Shiite Moslem suburbs of Beirut, a stronghold of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas, Lebanese television reported.

56.   Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin had a secret meeting with his Malaysian counterpart Mahathir Mohamad in Paris at the beginning of July, Israeli television reported Thursday.

57.   A bomb exploded Sunday at an Istanbul square where a former prime minister was about to give a speech, injuring five people, Turkish television reported.

58.   A month-old state of emergency in Zaire has been extended by President Mobutu Sese Seko for two weeks, national television reported Thursday.

59.   A Turkish Cypriot airliner, hijacked during a flight from Nicosia to Istanbul on Friday, has landed in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Bulgarian television reported.

60.   Algerian President Liamine Zeroual held talks with PLO chairman Yasser Arafat here Wednesday, state television reported.

v. + television >>共 403
watch 36.81%
tell 4.37%
report 3.56%
say 3.39%
have 3.10%
use 2.76%
turn 1.31%
make 1.27%
include 1.02%
do 1.02%
report + n. >>共 740
injury 5.23%
incident 4.03%
earnings 3.52%
casualty 3.05%
result 2.78%
death 2.71%
newspaper 2.31%
case 2.30%
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problem 2.09%
television 0.37%
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