51.   The son is not believed to be involved with the bombing, but may have been with McVeigh when he rented the truck believed to have carried the bomb.

52.   They were believed to have rented the truck that carried the half-ton bomb, FBI Agent Weldon Kennedy said.

53.   They were believed to have rented the truck that carried the half-ton homemade bomb, FBI Agent Weldon Kennedy said.

54.   They were believed to have rented the truck that carried the half-ton homemade bomb, FBI Agent Weldon Kennedy said Thursday.

55.   Weldon Kennedy, a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, said arrest warrants have been issued for two white men suspected of using aliases to rent the truck.

56.   Investigators said the two men rented a truck that held the explosives used in the attack and were being sought for arrest.

57.   Another point he raises is the whereabouts of a missing suspect who witnesses said rented the truck with McVeigh.

58.   Authorities had circulated composite drawings of Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh, the two suspects believed to have rented the truck used in the Oklahoma car bombing.

59.   Witnesses have said McVeigh was accompanied by another man when he allegedly rented the truck that was used in the bombing.

60.   Police finally admitted the drawings resembled a soldier who happened to be at the Kansas shop where McVeigh allegedly rented the truck that was used in the explosion.

v. + truck >>共 487
drive 8.21%
stop 4.01%
park 3.44%
use 3.15%
block 2.39%
rent 2.21%
have 1.95%
hit 1.70%
load 1.48%
send 1.41%
rent + n. >>共 401
car 11.32%
apartment 9.08%
space 7.17%
house 6.61%
room 6.47%
home 2.98%
truck 2.84%
movie 2.14%
video 1.82%
property 1.26%
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