51.   Middlebrook said Hahn remains steadfastly committed to a November vote on the secession issue.

52.   Ms. Arduin said Pataki remains committed to cutting taxes.

53.   Nonetheless, Clinton remains committed to making sure that the federal government guarantees a minimum package of health benefits to the poor and disabled.

54.   Nevertheless, he added, Oppenheimer remains committed to biotech in both the new fund and its other diversified funds, notably the Main Street Growth and Income Fund.

55.   Now, as he sees the battle erupt again, Taylor remains committed to staying in the fray, undeterred by the long political odds.

56.   Otherwise, Opel remains committed to its previous plans of investing the same amount of money in expanding its cooperation with FSO, he said.

57.   Postbank remains committed to this business, hoping to maintain the number of accounts at a stable, high level, Schneider said.

58.   Senior opposition officials emphasize that the party remains committed to nonviolence and to the parliamentary system.

59.   She stressed that the new BofA remains committed to advancing employees regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation.

60.   South Korea remains committed to improving relations with the North and sees the missile test as underlining the dangers of keeping North Korea isolated.

n. + commit >>共 571
remains 6.36%
man 3.05%
government 3.01%
soldier 2.41%
people 2.32%
force 2.15%
company 2.10%
troop 1.98%
agreement 1.72%
side 1.50%
remains + v. >>共 409
be 16.48%
commit 8.62%
oppose 3.96%
divide 3.09%
close 2.85%
convince 2.50%
unchange 2.27%
mire 2.15%
hospitalize 1.69%
focus 1.40%
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