51.   In initial network projections, Republican incumbents won with relative ease in Kansas, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Arkansas and Tennessee.

52.   In Japan, the relative ease of collecting fees for wireless Internet services has created an entrepreneurial boom.

53.   In the fall, other new community banks in New Jersey raised capital with relative ease.

54.   It became a free-for-all for the Sparks, who weaved in and out of the Mercury defense, creating exceptional plays with relative ease.

55.   Jamal Anderson strolled with relative ease through the weeklong blitz of anticipation for Super Bowl XXXIII.

56.   Knees can be reconstructed with relative ease.

57.   Larson said the relative ease with which he fell into cartooning explains why he became a cartoonist.

58.   Last year, the dairy compact passed both the House and Senate with relative ease despite heavy opposition lobbying from the Milk Processors Foundation.

59.   Lemarque has adapted to roller hockey with relative ease.

60.   Lacking the skill and knowledge to create a classic computer virus, I managed to put together this new kind with relative ease.

a. + ease >>共 182
relative 24.73%
apparent 5.45%
greater 5.45%
equal 4.36%
surprising 4.00%
remarkable 3.27%
same 2.00%
consummate 1.82%
great 1.45%
comparative 1.27%
relative + n. >>共 688
calm 7.07%
ease 3.64%
safety 3.45%
newcomer 3.37%
obscurity 3.35%
peace 3.03%
strength 2.28%
term 2.20%
unknown 2.14%
stability 2.03%
每页显示:    共 135