51.   That impression was reinforced by the arrests of the additional three labor leaders, named as Pang Tingjiang, Xiao Yunliang and Wang Zhaoming.

52.   The Bulgarian protests have reinforced the impression of political crisis in the Balkans.

v. + impression >>共 182
give 25.98%
make 16.34%
leave 9.43%
get 7.65%
create 7.28%
have 5.61%
reinforce 2.72%
convey 1.89%
confirm 1.15%
do 1.10%
reinforce + n. >>共 654
troop 3.70%
message 3.43%
view 3.39%
position 3.36%
security 3.13%
expectation 2.60%
perception 2.04%
impression 1.96%
notion 1.92%
belief 1.89%
每页显示:    共 52