51.   Seventeen hostages have been recovered during the rescue operation, leaving only American Jeffrey Schilling and a Filipino still in rebel hands.

52.   Several key cities, including Goma and Bukavu, are already in rebel hands.

53.   Some of the captives had been abducted recently, while others had been in rebel hands for up to a year, the military said.

54.   Seven nuns freed after two months in rebel hands on Wednesday described trudging seven days through the bush and surviving malaria and bombings during their ordeal.

55.   Seventeen of the captives have either been rescued or escaped, leaving only Schilling and a Filipino, Roland Ulla, still in rebel hands.

56.   So far the government has recaptured a few villages, but many remain in rebel hands.

57.   Tanusevci has been in rebel hands for weeks, and parts of the southern Serbian buffer zone abutting Kosovo for months.

58.   Ten hours from Belen by road and speedboat are the Caguan river jungles where the military suffered its worst defeat at rebel hands last week.

59.   Sudanese forces have recaptured a strategic garrison town that was in rebel hands since last month, the army spokesman said Friday.

60.   The city and most parts of the peninsula are controlled by the military, while the southernmost areas are in rebel hands.

n. + hand >>共 257
rebel 12.04%
government 11.24%
time 9.15%
shook 4.68%
ranch 4.18%
change 3.78%
glove 3.08%
money 2.79%
police 1.89%
opposition 1.59%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
hand 0.63%
每页显示:    共 120