51.   Ethnic Albanian rebels have been fighting for independence for Kosovo, a province of Serbia.

52.   Ethnic Shan rebels are fighting for autonomy in this region of Myanmar, but are generally active in the countryside rather than towns.

53.   Ethnic Serb rebels are fighting the Muslim-controlled government of Bosnia.

54.   Female rebels have long fought alongside men in their battle for an independent homeland in the north and east.

55.   For more than three decades, the rebels have fought a series of rightist governments.

56.   Government forces reportedly have driven back the rebels in recent fighting, raising hopes that aid can soon be flown to thousands of displaced people there.

57.   Gerardi was the first bishop slain in Guatemala, where URNG rebels fought a series of U.S.-supported rightist governments, often dominated by the military.

58.   Greece denies Turkish accusations that it supports Kurdish rebels fighting for autonomy in southeastern Turkey.

59.   He insists the rebels are still fighting to end poverty and foreign exploitation.

60.   He said Rwandan-backed rebels there are fighting to dislodge fighters loyal to Patrick Masunzu, head of another group fighting the rebels, the Congolese Tutsi Banyamulenge.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
rebel + v. >>共 661
say 5.63%
be 5.41%
attack 3.57%
fight 2.64%
kill 2.17%
take 2.14%
have 1.87%
hold 1.70%
want 1.61%
seize 1.61%
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