51.   Movement of the shares today is driven by a relatively small number of speculators trying to make a quick profit, he said.

52.   Much of the issue went to retail investors, who may be looking for a quick profit on the shares, she noted.

53.   Neither businessman knew enough about the other, and each seemed bent on making a quick profit.

54.   Network Solutions, the company that assigns Internet addresses, is again trying to curb what it terms registration abuses by speculators aiming to turn a quick profit.

55.   Of course, many investors want quick profits on new Internet stocks, selling them shortly after the offerings.

56.   Now they face the decision of whether to take a quick profit or to hold on through protracted clinical trials and regulatory approval processes for potentially much more.

57.   Once the stock began wavering, short-term investors hoping to make a quick profit began to sell.

58.   One looter was so eager to turn a quick profit that he offered a cut-rate price on a package of Huggies diapers to reporters covering the scene.

59.   Profits from metropolitan farming can ease the pressures on farmers to turn a quick profit on the sale of their land to developers.

60.   Quick said profits were hampered by the depreciation of the French franc against the Belgian currency.

a. + profit >>共 441
corporate 22.13%
higher 4.75%
operating 3.97%
net 3.47%
lower 2.68%
record 2.58%
huge 2.38%
strong 2.36%
big 1.82%
future 1.58%
quick 1.25%
quick + n. >>共 1615
action 2.60%
succession 1.97%
end 1.60%
decision 1.59%
look 1.59%
resolution 1.52%
solution 1.50%
start 1.40%
profit 1.40%
recovery 1.27%
每页显示:    共 128