51.   Fear of a public reaction might yet push the Republicans to move on this important legislation before the November elections.

52.   For example, most prospective jurors know too much, both about the first trial and about public reaction to its outcome.

53.   Fortunately, the loophole the framers left in their language that Gingrich has exploited is being closed by the harsh public reaction to his extreme conduct.

54.   GM says that most concept vehicles it builds are special creations of its designers, which are then brought to auto shows to gauge public reaction.

55.   Given the lukewarm public reaction, MTA officials hope their ambitious Metro Art Program will promote a more positive image, even if the subway has a doubtful future.

56.   He is getting this chance because House Republicans were rocked by public reaction to their insistence on impeaching Clinton instead of censuring him.

57.   He and his era gave us the clich of the artist gladly outraging society, asserting the primacy of his opinion and claiming absolute indifference to public reaction.

58.   He said that the company had not overpriced the original vehicle but that public reaction had produced considerable concern among Ford dealers.

59.   He says he was taken aback by the public reaction.

60.   He opened a door, as Joffe said of the public reaction to the book.

a. + reaction >>共 932
immediate 12.12%
rapid 6.15%
allergic 5.16%
chemical 4.33%
initial 3.53%
public 3.45%
mixed 3.31%
first 3.11%
official 2.49%
negative 2.40%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
reaction 0.51%
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