51.   Protesters block entrance to plant.

52.   Protesters blocked entrances and production lines and chained themselves to fences.

53.   Protesters blocked roads to the main university, effectively dividing east and west Managua.

54.   Protesters blocked roads, sat on train tracks and halted river boats to paralyze the nation in the bloody first day of a three-day strike.

55.   Protesters blocked the main road to Greece for a second day.

56.   Protesters blocked the Pan-American Highway with rocks and burning tires, forcing passengers to abandon buses.

57.   Protesters have blocked railways and roads, held their bosses hostage, and threatened to kill themselves to dramatize their demands for back wages.

58.   Protesters on Wednesday blocked rail lines heading to the Macedonian border, forcing a train carrying British troops and military vehicles to return to Salonica.

59.   Radio Signal FM said student protesters were blocking the national highway just outside Port-au-Prince to call attention to the dilapidated state of their public school.

60.   Protesters also blocked a train traveling from Tirana to Vlora, piling rocks and logs on the tracks and forcing all the passengers to get off outside Lushnja.

n. + block >>共 870
police 9.64%
government 3.16%
protester 2.52%
authority 2.16%
troop 2.09%
force 1.69%
demonstrator 1.66%
judge 1.64%
soldier 1.52%
official 1.47%
protester + v. >>共 728
say 5.61%
be 5.08%
throw 3.00%
demand 2.87%
march 2.33%
burn 2.23%
try 2.04%
block 1.75%
call 1.55%
gather 1.48%
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