51.   The local government in Hyogo Prefecture near Osakaalso has prohibited the sale of Snow Brand meat at a major distribution center there.

52.   The measure also prohibits the sale of any urban land.

53.   The last time the Red Sox won the World Series, most states prohibited the sale of alcohol.

54.   The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty includes no clause prohibiting the sale of either nuclear submarines or the highly enriched uranium fuel they run on.

55.   The president also rejected proposals to prohibit tobacco sales through the mail.

56.   The new bill would not bar the use of Social Security numbers in all situations, but would simply prohibit all sales of the numbers, Shaw said.

57.   The provision would change the administration of the antidumping law, which prohibits the sale of foreign goods in this country below their cost of production.

58.   The United States would still prohibit sales of military items that could be used to develop missiles or nuclear weapons.

59.   Three of the big offshore trusts that own stock have signed lockups that prohibit the sale of shares for periods ranging from one year to three years.

60.   Today, France is expected to prohibit the sale of Dunkirk-produced cans throughout the entire country as well as recall ones already on the shelves.

v. + sale >>共 594
boost 4.94%
report 3.44%
increase 3.18%
ban 3.15%
approve 2.48%
hurt 2.16%
complete 2.08%
make 1.80%
include 1.61%
manage 1.40%
prohibit 0.98%
prohibit + n. >>共 1034
use 5.14%
discrimination 3.50%
company 3.16%
sale 2.66%
official 1.66%
member 1.43%
employee 1.18%
government 1.18%
state 1.05%
people 1.02%
每页显示:    共 116