51.   Prices for fishmeal tend to be set on an exchange in Hamburg, Germany.

52.   Prices tend to drop as the quantity rises.

53.   Prices tend to be higher in coastal communities or in the colonial villages, where fancy weekend homes also are coveted by wealthy Mexicans.

54.   Prices tend to accelerate after the economy gains momentum.

55.   Prices tend to rise when inventories are low as traders vie for the reduced supplies.

56.   Recent federal legislative proposals would relax prohibitions against importing prescription drugs from other countries, where prices tend to be lower.

57.   The higher prices tended to inflate what consumers paid for the goods they purchased, from gasoline to plastic razors, economists said.

58.   The internal price tends to reflect international coffee prices.

59.   The problem is compounded by the fact that, when the price of oil rises, the industry tends to forget its problems.

60.   The price to participate tends to be as hefty as the risk that goes along with it.

n. + tend >>共 2049
people 5.15%
woman 2.15%
company 1.61%
investor 1.49%
rate 1.48%
man 1.12%
price 0.96%
stock 0.89%
child 0.84%
fund 0.78%
price + v. >>共 308
be 18.75%
fall 11.71%
rise 11.21%
close 3.83%
drop 2.35%
go 1.80%
remain 1.74%
continue 1.65%
soar 1.64%
move 1.22%
tend 0.27%
每页显示:    共 80