51.   The prevailing view was that Democrats had not had a new or original thought in decades.

52.   The prevailing view among analysts had long been that the Castano class-action lawsuit against the tobacco producers was likely to be thrown out of court.

53.   The prevailing view among many in in Washington is that Rostenkowski got singled out for the kind of old-time perks and practices that were common in his day.

54.   The prevailing view among Republican strategists in Washington is that the Republican governors could not have worked much harder for Bush.

55.   The prevailing view in public health circles is that advertising restraints are essential to dissuade young people from smoking.

56.   The prevailing view in the Capitol on Thursday was that an accommodation would be reached and that the contempt issue would be resolved before it reached prosecution.

57.   The prevailing view is that Israel will have to look after its own interests.

58.   The prevailing view is that Sears is several years behind J.C. Penney in developing lucrative private-brand lines of apparel.

59.   The prevailing view of politics prevails so thoroughly, so universally, that it is not even seen as a view or a theory.

60.   The prevailing view remains that the United States will slow down a good bit for the next half-year or so, but then gradually speed up.

a. + view >>共 746
different 6.78%
public 4.19%
political 2.84%
similar 2.28%
full 2.05%
clear 1.57%
better 1.55%
dim 1.43%
long 1.28%
panoramic 1.26%
prevailing 0.80%
prevailing + n. >>共 291
wind 9.55%
view 8.20%
wage 4.95%
wisdom 4.41%
mood 3.42%
sentiment 3.33%
attitude 3.24%
theory 3.06%
opinion 2.25%
rate 1.89%
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