51.   The presidents will meet the press tomorrow afternoon to formally announce the delay in the merger, originally scheduled for April.

52.   The president also met with congressional delegation from the Washington, D.C., area and New York whose districts were affected by the attacks.

53.   The president also will meet with street workers who are attempting to combat youth violence.

54.   The president has been meeting with moderate Republicans to discuss the federal budget in an effort to portray Dole as a roadblock to meaningful deficit reduction.

55.   The president has never met with Arafat.

56.   The president later met with victims of violence, including for the first time those who died at the hands of the security forces.

57.   The president will meet with congressional leaders of both parties on Tuesday.

58.   The president met on Thursday with advisers to hammer out the initial relief plan.

59.   The president met privately before his address with about six women who related their own stories of domestic violence.

60.   The president met privately with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, but meetings with several Latin American leaders had to be canceled or postponed because of security concerns.

n. + meet >>共 946
official 6.40%
leader 5.95%
team 3.82%
two 3.53%
end 3.22%
side 2.47%
group 2.33%
committee 2.31%
minister 2.23%
delegation 1.87%
president 1.66%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
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