51.   Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemned the bombing but his aides were quick to blame Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying his policies had prepared the ground for violence.

52.   A set of war crimes definitions was adopted by a session in January of the U.N. committee preparing the ground for the court.

53.   Albright hopes to prepare the ground for a Mideast summit in Washington in mid-October.

54.   Albright, who is to leave the Mideast on Wednesday evening, had hoped to prepare the ground for a Mideast summit in Washington in mid-October.

55.   And in doing so, we shall see that the tears of this century have prepared the ground for a new springtime of the human spirit.

56.   Arab diplomats in Cairo said Sunday that Moussa was preparing the ground for a Mubarak visit to Syria.

57.   At that time, he was a star of a regime which prepared fertile ground for communist expansion.

58.   But many people who fled their homes ahead of rampaging combatants have no tools to prepare the ground for planting seeds, and no seeds to plant.

59.   Deliberate leaks of faulty intelligence were behind a report that a U.S. spy satellite showed Pakistan was preparing the ground for a nuclear test, Pakistan said Thursday.

60.   He also said that stability, privatization and the economic development of the country were the main factors which prepared the ground for a stock market.

v. + ground >>共 527
lose 16.32%
gain 14.23%
break 7.20%
hit 5.92%
hold 3.92%
stand 3.65%
give 2.67%
have 2.38%
cover 2.35%
regain 2.11%
prepare 1.67%
prepare + n. >>共 1260
report 5.22%
meal 2.91%
food 2.51%
case 2.44%
ground 2.05%
plan 1.89%
student 1.84%
attack 1.70%
statement 1.49%
defense 1.31%
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