51.   The ruling coalition parties met separately to decide on their proposals for changes in the government, whose popularity has plummeted because of economic problems and political squabbling.

52.   The ruling coalition parties were meeting separately to decide on their proposals for changes in the government, whose popularity has plummeted because of economic problems and political squabbling.

53.   Yeltsin, whose popularity plummeted after the war began, said mistakes and serious political miscalculations had been made.

54.   Yeltsin, whose popularity has plummeted in the last two years, has said he is waiting until after parliamentary elections to decide.

55.   His popularity has plummeted since he ordered staggering price increases in public services and fuels in December.

56.   But since a brief border conflict with Peru early this year, Duran-Ballen has seen his popularity plummet because of corruption scandals.

57.   Conservatives and liberals have seen their popularity plummet following an alliance with the extreme right Progress Party.

n. + plummet >>共 225
price 15.27%
stock 10.82%
sale 5.37%
popularity 4.78%
share 2.68%
market 2.52%
temperature 2.43%
value 2.43%
rate 2.18%
future 2.18%
popularity + v. >>共 186
be 14.94%
plummet 6.55%
soar 5.98%
grow 3.79%
wane 3.56%
fall 2.18%
sink 1.95%
make 1.95%
rise 1.95%
remain 1.84%
每页显示:    共 57