51.   Polls show Yeltsin running neck-and-neck with Zyuganov, who is benefiting from popular discontent over painful reforms, political disarray and the war in Chechnya.

52.   Popular discontent brought ex-communist Alexander Kwasniewski to power in Poland.

53.   Popular discontent ran so high that few islanders objected last year when a group of young soldiers staged a coup and imprisoned Trovoada.

54.   Popular discontent has soared with inflation, and Mexicans are angry over a series of unsolved political scandals and killings.

55.   Popular discontent with local authorities reportedly erupted into violence after residents first lodged petitions in May alleging corruption and abuse of authority.

56.   Putin acknowledged the Communists had done well despite their cash-strapped campaign and that his government would have to take popular discontent into account.

57.   Simmering popular discontent erupted in a day of frenzied violence Wednesday, when impoverished looters ransacked supermarkets across the country.

58.   Socialist Premier Zhan Videnov resigned last month under a cloud of popular discontent over the crisis.

59.   Successive governments have been at pains to make bread available at affordable prices for fear of popular discontent.

60.   The Americans would like to see Saddam toppled in an explosion of popular discontent as the sanctions bite ever deeper.

a. + discontent >>共 106
public 17.23%
popular 15.37%
widespread 12.33%
growing 9.12%
social 6.59%
simmering 3.04%
economic 2.87%
rising 2.53%
political 2.03%
domestic 1.52%
popular + n. >>共 1191
culture 3.92%
support 3.74%
vote 2.98%
music 2.11%
tourist 1.56%
destination 1.28%
program 1.21%
sport 1.18%
figure 1.08%
belief 1.00%
discontent 0.54%
每页显示:    共 90