51.   Berlin police later tracked Musbah down through intercepted telephone conversations, DIGOS officials said.

52.   Boston police tracked down the suspect in Puerto Rico, where he had been living for an unknown period.

53.   Bourduas said many of the organizations are communicating online, making it almost impossible for police to track.

54.   But police tracked him down too.

55.   Cleveland police tracked the suspect to a phone booth and arrested him.

56.   Crack forces had been mobilized for the gun battle after police tracked Kao Tien-ming to a suburban bordello.

57.   During the kidnapping, Dutch police tracked Folkerts to the Netherlands.

58.   For the next five hours, police tracked the bear over residential streets, through parks and commercial areas.

59.   German police subsequently tracked Eter down through intercepted telephone conversations from Germany to an apartment and public phones in the neighborhood where he was arrested, De Cristofaro said.

60.   He said more rebels were being killed as soldiers and police tracked them down.

n. + track >>共 473
police 8.12%
stock 2.89%
authority 2.82%
company 2.48%
investigator 2.27%
official 2.13%
index 1.72%
bond 1.65%
satellite 1.45%
system 1.38%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
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fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
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