51.   Police armed with tear gas and water cannon, fought for several hours against the extremists and looters who moved in after the demonstration dispersed.

52.   Since midnight of Sunday to Monday, riot police armed with guns, have sealed off the premises of the Guardian group and surrounded it.

n. + arm >>共 222
man 10.23%
police 8.72%
soldier 3.36%
people 2.35%
troop 2.01%
force 2.01%
hundred 2.01%
group 2.01%
rebel 1.51%
military 1.51%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
arm 0.05%
每页显示:    共 52