51.   The AMA plan also would allow doctors to compete by setting their own fees for patients with incomes of more than twice the poverty level.

52.   The basic plan allows you to take your dividends in the form of additional shares of stock rather than in cash.

53.   The bill would require that managed care plans allow patients to see doctors outside the network for an additional fee.

54.   The administration plan would allow the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to defer the large fee for a few financially weak savings institutions that could not afford to pay it.

55.   The Clinton plan allows states to reduce some welfare payments by denying extra payments to families that have additional children, for instance.

56.   The Dallas plan also allows a parish in the Fort Worth diocese to request a woman priest.

57.   The debt-relief plan allows companies to restructure their debts to lower monthly payments and offers new financing to cash-strapped companies.

58.   The company said the plan would allow it to grow the energy business separately.

59.   The Domenici-Nunn plan would allow a tax deduction for money that is invested, whether in municipal bonds or other investment vehicles.

60.   The House GOP plan requires tax cuts, and the Senate GOP plan allows them.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
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system 1.84%
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technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
plan 1.11%
plan + v. >>共 646
be 33.90%
call 5.74%
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go 1.74%
work 1.36%
require 1.33%
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provide 1.02%
make 0.93%
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