51.   The spicy and colorful cuisine of the Malayasian Peranakans is served in this huge, cheerful cafe that is jammed at peak hours.

52.   The transit official said that both those lines were not only overcrowded during peak hours, but were also increasingly crowded before and after the traditional peak.

53.   Those would allow solo drivers to join the car poolers and buses in the HOV lanes, for a fee that would increase during peak hours.

54.   Today, that is the ducks-in-a-line speed in the passing lane during peak commuting hours.

55.   Until those issues are settled, most utilities are focusing on the more modest goal of cutting the use of appliances during peak hours.

56.   Using the energy management unit, the company would, for example, turn the air-conditioning off to avoid peak hours.

57.   What are the peak usage hours, and what is the recommended setting for a thermostat to save money?

58.   When the woman came out of the water, she said she found the beach too crowded during peak hours and was desperate for a swim that night.

59.   You could start with a toll just at peak hours on weekends.

60.   Please bring back the police to man the traffic light junctions during peak hours.

n. + hour >>共 498
morning 12.60%
work 8.39%
daylight 8.08%
lunch 7.74%
day 5.58%
office 4.45%
peak 4.25%
school 2.36%
overtime 1.95%
week 1.78%
peak + n. >>共 157
season 15.03%
form 11.58%
period 10.35%
hour 9.51%
time 8.90%
demand 7.13%
condition 2.91%
summer 2.84%
performance 2.07%
level 2.07%
每页显示:    共 123