51.   One heavily sprayed protester was treated by paramedics, and officers gave water bottles to students to rinse out their stinging eyes.

52.   Shechter walked out of the stadium after being treated by paramedics.

53.   Spade declined to be taken to a hospital and was treated by paramedics on the scene.

54.   Television said paramedics treated Fortuyn where he fell at the entrance to a building, and he was not taken to hospital.

55.   The man whose home was destroyed burned his hands trying to extinguish the flames and was treated by paramedics, Alarcon said.

56.   The man whose home was destroyed scraped his hands trying to extinguish the flames and was treated by paramedics, Alarcon said.

57.   The sick are being treated by paramedics, dispatched by the local health office in Merauke, at houses in the village, Antara said.

58.   The unconscious Struwe Andersen was taken to a nursing station where he was treated by paramedics.

59.   They spoke as firefighters were trying to extinguish the blaze that erupted after the crash, and paramedics were treating the injured.

60.   Treated by paramedics, she remained at the scene and continued reporting.

n. + treat >>共 651
doctor 8.96%
police 4.12%
people 3.07%
paramedic 2.69%
authority 2.40%
hospital 2.40%
government 2.31%
company 1.98%
official 1.64%
team 1.18%
paramedic + v. >>共 117
arrive 15.09%
treat 12.38%
say 11.80%
be 6.58%
rush 4.06%
take 3.48%
try 3.29%
find 2.32%
have 1.93%
revive 1.74%
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