51.   His career in San Diego is now a painful memory.

52.   His ability to dredge up painful memories is remarkable.

53.   I thought my mother either did not know or would not want to be reminded of so painful a memory.

54.   I was afraid I would make people even more upset and I might hurt them by bringing up painful memories.

55.   If you wait long enough for the painful memories to recede, you begin to think about doing it again.

56.   In truth, that woman has been present throughout the novel, artfully spinning painful memory and vivid dream into the redemptive gold of story.

57.   Ingalls says his treatment by the church after he took an extended leave of absence from his diocese is still a painful memory.

58.   It is healthy because it loosens the grip of painful memory on our conscious minds and allows us to get on with our lives.

59.   It took Berger three years of sometimes painful memories to write his book.

60.   It is clear that most Russian Israelis cannot tolerate the rhetoric of the left because of their painful memories of the Soviet Union.

a. + memory >>共 876
recent 8.70%
fond 4.91%
distant 2.89%
bad 2.87%
flash 2.84%
short-term 2.82%
painful 2.72%
good 2.26%
vivid 2.15%
bitter 1.95%
painful + n. >>共 774
memory 5.17%
experience 3.02%
reform 2.80%
process 2.26%
lesson 2.00%
reminder 1.93%
loss 1.42%
past 1.16%
decision 1.09%
position 1.02%
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