51.   He is the most serious opposition candidate ever to challenge Milosevic, and polls suggest that he ought to be able to win.

52.   He ran a dirty tricks campaign against opposition candidates and directed the election apparatus that came under heavy criticism from the Organization of American States for fraud.

53.   Her imprisonment even became a campaign issue when Alejandro Toledo, the opposition candidate, said in April that he would review her case if elected.

54.   If opposition candidate Vicente Fox is able to topple PRI candidate Francisco Labastida Ochoa, what happens to seven-decades of social infrastructure?

55.   In another interview, the former wife of Vicente Fox, the leading opposition candidate, announced that she hoped for a reconciliation.

56.   In many of those contests, notably the Duma election and some regional gubernatorial races, opposition candidates from the communist and other parties have won and taken office.

57.   In response, one opposition candidate has called for a devaluation that would help small and medium-sized businesses but hurt banks and stocks.

58.   In Thailand, Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai is trailing an opposition candidate in opinion polls ahead of elections in January.

59.   In the old days, the press was cowed and such matters would not have been reported unless they involved an opposition candidate.

60.   In the race for president of Yugoslavia, Milosevic is trailing the main opposition candidate, Vojislav Kostunica, in opinion polls.

n. + candidate >>共 626
opposition 21.24%
third-party 4.35%
job 3.35%
compromise 3.32%
minority 2.68%
year 2.48%
woman 2.22%
election 1.97%
write-in 1.64%
drug 1.39%
opposition + n. >>共 248
party 21.50%
leader 20.59%
group 9.11%
politician 4.35%
force 2.89%
lawmaker 2.79%
figure 2.62%
candidate 2.59%
member 2.51%
supporter 2.01%
每页显示:    共 655