51.   The bill is before a House committee, and Missouri corrections officials testified in support of the legislation last year.

52.   The bureau officials testified in response to a call from Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., who chairs the subcommittee.

53.   The officials testified Wednesday before the Senate caucus on international narcotics control.

54.   The Pentagon believes North Korea may have enough plutonium for one atomic bomb, while CIA officials have testified before lawmakers that North Korea may have more.

55.   The question is certain to be pressed when DNC officials testify about the matter in coming weeks.

56.   These officials might then testify against their superiors about how orders were passed.

57.   Treasury officials have testified the last two years before Congress that redesigning currency is the only way to keep up with counterfeiters.

58.   When congressional investigators wanted to check out claims that he was abroad, Secret Service officials testified that he was playing tennis in Texas.

59.   A British Embassy official testified that Thai officials had been tipped off that Lock was a trafficker, and searched Gregory only because she checked in with him.

60.   A former bank official testified that Flahiff was allowed to enter the branch after business hours with a sports bag containing thousands of dollars.

n. + testify >>共 436
witness 19.08%
expert 5.26%
official 4.61%
officer 3.56%
doctor 2.70%
woman 2.70%
agent 2.55%
psychiatrist 1.75%
victim 1.75%
president 1.45%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
testify 0.05%
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