51.   The protesters also hung a banner, which was quickly removed by officials of Deutsche Boerse AG before police showed up to disperse the protesters, Kemper said.

52.   The protesters also hung a banner, which was quickly removed by officials of Deutsche Boerse AG before police showed up to disperse the protesters.

53.   The plane landed at Camaguey, Cuba, where officials there removed the hijackers.

54.   The state law enforcement secretary demanded that Rio officials remove beggars from city streets and sidewalks.

55.   The violence there erupted after officials removed flags posted by the opposition Muslim United Development Party.

56.   Train officials eventually removed the display.

57.   U.S. federal officials removed a polar bear from a traveling Mexican circus in Puerto Rico on Wednesday, charging the bear named Alaska has false documents.

58.   Fire department officials removed the flag, and riot police stood guard by the cathedral to avert further incidents.

59.   He has apparently carried out his threat, with several government officials removed from their posts following major incidences in their jurisdiction.

60.   Iordanescu called on security officials to remove the media from their training ground on the eve of their opening Group A game against Colombia last week.

n. + remove >>共 923
doctor 5.86%
police 5.66%
government 2.67%
worker 2.67%
surgeon 2.50%
official 2.07%
authority 1.71%
company 1.41%
surgery 1.41%
bill 1.02%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
remove 0.04%
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