51.   Complicating the task is the Soviet system of accounting for nuclear materials, which relied largely on records of the production of nuclear materials instead of sophisticated scientific measurements.

52.   Court records show he has been trying to purchase nuclear materials for years.

53.   Despite this effort, most Russian nuclear material is inadequately secured.

54.   During the Cold War, it housed one of five reactors that churned out hundreds of tons of plutonium and other nuclear material for weapons.

55.   Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham had suspended the transport in an effort to ensure that terrorists would not attack the nuclear material.

56.   Environmentalists and others opposed to sending nuclear material into space mounted protests in October when NASA sent the Cassini spacecraft on a roundabout journey to Saturn.

57.   Equally important, START III would require for the first time the destruction of warheads themselves under inspection, not allowing the nuclear material to be stored and reused.

58.   Environmentalists say the damage would occur over time, as nuclear material is leaked into the Pacific.

59.   Federal authorities say the case is the largest seizure ever of nuclear materials in the United States.

60.   Foremost, he said the agency should make public much of what it now keeps confidential, such as the amount of nuclear material a country has.

a. + material >>共 922
nuclear 4.99%
radioactive 4.13%
building 4.10%
new 3.77%
hazardous 3.53%
genetic 2.61%
bomb-making 1.24%
explosive 1.07%
reading 1.07%
educational 1.05%
nuclear + n. >>共 455
test 12.07%
plant 5.46%
waste 3.91%
arm 3.72%
program 3.53%
material 3.17%
arsenal 3.16%
bomb 3.05%
warhead 2.63%
fuel 2.42%
每页显示:    共 587