51.   Soku Beaku nods grave agreement.

52.   The miner, Viktor Fokin, nodded his agreement.

53.   The others nodded enthusiastic agreement.

54.   Two-dozen equally bedraggled men nodded their agreement.

55.   His friends nodded their agreement.

56.   His brothers in arms nodded their agreement with the same calm confidence of this bearded young fighter.

57.   Alegre read the letter with intensity, and he nodded his agreement to write about his crimes in a notebook given to him.

58.   Karzai surprised the Loya Jirga by offering Qanooni the education post during a speech to delegates and he appeared to have accepted by nodding his agreement.

59.   Karzai surprised the Loya Jirga by offering Qanooni the post during a speech to delegates and he appeared to have accepted by nodding his agreement.

60.   PLO leader Yasser Arafat, heading the Palestinian delegation here, nodded his agreement.

v. + agreement >>共 365
reach 28.64%
sign 21.30%
announce 2.68%
have 2.53%
negotiate 2.21%
violate 1.46%
approve 1.43%
implement 1.26%
conclude 1.11%
make 0.86%
nod 0.28%
nod + n. >>共 45
head 60.22%
agreement 13.48%
approval 7.42%
hello 2.02%
assent 1.80%
thanks 1.57%
ball 1.35%
greeting 1.12%
acceptance 0.67%
goodbye 0.67%
每页显示:    共 60