51.   Australia was next on court against Brazil.

52.   Castro had refused a bodyguard though he knew he was next on the list.

53.   Croatia is to be next on the agenda.

54.   Egypt, Israel and Morocco are next on the agenda.

55.   Golf courses and Hawaii Ice Cream parlors are next on his list.

56.   He was new to the list, as was Khamenei, who was next on the list.

57.   Italy was next on the medal standings with three gold.

58.   It made no secret of plans to move next on areas south of the capital and along the Adriatic countryside, of which Knin is the center.

59.   Mumbai, expectedly, topped the list of cities in disclosures with Delhi next on the list.

60.   Neu-Ulm and Saarbruecken in southern Germany are next on the list.

a. + on >>共 1176
available 6.87%
high 3.61%
short 2.21%
tough 1.97%
good 1.91%
free 1.51%
silent 1.46%
higher 1.30%
dead 1.17%
easy 0.92%
next 0.28%
next + p. >>共 21
to 78.31%
in 9.75%
on 4.56%
for 2.87%
with 1.92%
up 0.90%
at 0.34%
as 0.23%
into 0.23%
after 0.17%
每页显示:    共 80