51.   Soon, textile mills began to tap into this new fashion market, developing variations of the print in new color combinations strictly for fashion statements.

52.   That included deals to sell nearly all its continental European stores, introducing new fashion lines and starting a chain of food-only stores.

53.   The bad news is that the new fashion is something I call the nebbish look.

54.   The ideal balance varies from person to person, and new fashions begin with innovators who want to stand out.

55.   The glut of marketing ideas sparked by the millennium is reflected in new fashion brands.

56.   The lack of new fashion trends has also slowed apparel sales at department stores, said analysts.

57.   The new fashion in headstones is to include a lot of information about the deceased, like their occupations and hobbies, as well as photographs.

58.   Their interest is producing a new fashion category.

59.   This new fashion sense expresses itself in collections that incorporate a theme running through both shoes and apparel.

60.   This was either to keep her back as warm as possible or, as Hingis stated more truthfully, to satisfy a new fashion commitment to a sponsor.

a. + fashion >>共 1477
similar 4.20%
typical 3.41%
dramatic 2.19%
new 1.95%
timely 1.93%
latest 1.72%
same 1.64%
italian 1.60%
american 1.60%
french 1.41%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
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election 0.74%
fashion 0.03%
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