51.   Government and rebel negotiators have began a fourth round of talks aimed at ending a peasant uprising in southern Mexico.

52.   Government negotiators have began talks with the tribe for the release of Bonanomi, officials said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

53.   Indonesia says it will let go of East Timor if its people reject autonomy, but negotiators have yet to agree on how to determine what they want.

54.   It was unclear whether the negotiators had a tentative agreement on Chechen independence.

55.   Mondale said U.S. negotiators have the tools they need to make their points stick.

56.   Moratti and Inter negotiators had to overcome Ajax initial opposition to get the Nigerian player.

57.   Negotiators had a lot to work with.

58.   Negotiators reportedly had trouble agreeing on whether a North Korean promise not to use the rice to replenish military supplies should be written into the final contract.

59.   Negotiators have yet to even set an agenda.

60.   Negotiators have raw global warming treaty text, await U.S.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
negotiator 0.05%
negotiator + v. >>共 496
say 11.72%
be 8.34%
meet 6.14%
agree 3.70%
try 2.88%
make 2.55%
have 2.25%
reach 2.13%
work 1.66%
hope 1.36%
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