51.   The moves could prove costly for the Nationalists.

52.   This move proved fatal to the debt ambitions of Peregrine.

53.   It added that the moves were proving unpopular with the Taiwanese people, echoing polls carried in the Taiwanese media.

54.   But shadow health secretary Harriet Harman said the move proved the Government had lost the battle for public opinion.

55.   Diplomats have expressed the hope this is just political jockeying but recognise such a move would prove an even more serious upset to the peace process.

56.   The move proves Taiwan still seeks to split China, despite recent statements that reunification with the mainland tops its foreign policy agenda, he said.

n. + prove >>共 2049
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study 1.03%
prosecutor 1.03%
government 1.00%
chance 0.91%
system 0.81%
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company 0.72%
effort 0.71%
move 0.68%
move + v. >>共 446
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follow 3.50%
help 2.13%
make 2.09%
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