51.   Officials advised people to wear long-sleeved clothes to avoid mosquito bites, and stores did a brisk business in anti-mosquito sprays and lights.

52.   One mosquito bite can inflict fever, joint pains and chills for weeks.

53.   Officials urged upstate residents to take precautions against mosquito bites until freezing weather further decimates the bug population.

54.   Once encephalitis reaches humans via a mosquito bite, it cannot be transferred.

55.   Preventing mosquito bites remains the best way to stop the disease.

56.   Residents are urged to protect themselves from mosquito bites by wearing long clothing and insect repellant.

57.   Ross, who had subjected volunteers to mosquito bites and dissected the minute insects during research in India, later pioneered mosquito control in Sierre Leone and Egypt.

58.   Schilling was found barefoot and covered with mosquito bites last Thursday by Army troops on southern Jolo Island.

59.   She was covered in mosquito bites and soaked from rain that leaked through the roof during a thunderstorm.

60.   The ads will instruct people how to prevent mosquito bites.

n. + bite >>共 102
mosquito 16.98%
tax 14.39%
snake 9.67%
dog 9.43%
spider 5.19%
bug 3.54%
tick 3.54%
flea 2.59%
shark 1.89%
scorpion 1.65%
mosquito + n. >>共 87
bite 21.49%
larva 10.75%
netting 10.45%
population 7.76%
coil 4.18%
species 3.58%
control 3.28%
season 2.09%
pool 1.79%
problem 1.79%
每页显示:    共 72