51.   On Tuesday, the international committee monitoring the ceasefire in southern Lebanon confirmed that at least one Katyusha rocket was fired into northern Israel from Lebanon last week.

52.   Russian and Chechen negotiators failed to settle differences Sunday on a proposed joint commission to monitor a ceasefire announced Saturday, separatist representatives told AFP.

53.   Representatives from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland will arrive in Sri Lanka shortly to monitor the ceasefire.

54.   Scandinavians monitoring a ceasefire between Sri Lankan government forces and Tamil Tiger rebels said Wednesday that truce violations have not been serious enough to scuttle the deal.

55.   Salim said the summit would look at mechanisms to end the civil war and start negotiations as well as to monitor any ceasefire.

56.   Several thousand Russian troops have been deployed in Abkhazia to monitor the ceasefire around Gali, which marks the dividing line between the breakaway republic and Georgia.

57.   Smith later became chief of staff in southern Rhodesia, monitoring the ceasefire and helping in the formation of the new state of Zimbabwe.

58.   The ceasefire would be monitored by UN observers along all confrontation lines.

59.   The committee on monitoring the ceasefire in southern Lebanon resumed its work Wednesday in Washington at the ambassador level, the State Department said.

60.   The CRA is demanding that its own forces help monitor the ceasefire, a demand which the government has not yet accepted.

v. + ceasefire >>共 161
monitor 6.98%
sign 6.11%
declare 5.93%
broker 5.50%
observe 4.28%
announce 3.84%
violate 3.14%
call 2.88%
break 2.71%
agree 2.53%
monitor + n. >>共 1367
situation 5.28%
election 2.79%
progress 2.79%
activity 2.21%
development 2.12%
movement 1.54%
condition 1.40%
compliance 1.39%
performance 1.17%
cease-fire 1.17%
ceasefire 1.09%
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