51.   There is no limit on soft money donations, which are supposed to be used for party building, not for a single candidate.

52.   There is no limit on the size of soft money donations, but the money is supposed to be used to push issues rather than individual candidates.

53.   These figures on soft money donations, which can be given to parties in unlimited amounts, came from the Center for Responsive Politics, a research group.

54.   When I made my soft money donation, I was told that it was going to go into a non-federal account.

55.   While Bush also favors banning unregulated soft money donations to political parties, he opposes public financing for congressional campaigns.

56.   With much fanfare last November, Time Warner announced it would no longer make soft money donations.

57.   A plan by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Russell Feingold, D-Wis., would ban soft money donations and restrict other political spending.

58.   Also on the horizon is an alternative backed by Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. that would limit soft money donations, but not ban them.

59.   As recently as two weeks ago, the president said he would support a ban on soft money donations from unions and corporations, but not individuals.

60.   Both political parties use unrestricted soft money donations to run ads promoting their candidates and knocking down the opposition.

n. + donation >>共 147
campaign 22.19%
organ 17.84%
blood 11.50%
money 8.06%
soft-money 4.62%
cash 3.99%
food 2.72%
egg 2.63%
aid 1.27%
sperm 1.27%
money + n. >>共 797
manager 24.62%
list 3.58%
management 2.65%
firm 2.35%
problem 2.10%
transfer 1.85%
changer 1.56%
title 1.51%
donation 1.47%
flow 1.44%
每页显示:    共 88