51.   The mob burned a truck at the scene after police and troops intervened, the newspaper Surabaya Post reported.

52.   The mob burned and stoned to death two men before Rwandan-backed forces fired into the crowd, dispersing it.

53.   The mob burned shops, factories, churches and cars.

54.   The mob also burned down three cars and four motorcycles during the predawn assault, Wiradinata said.

55.   The mob also burned shops, banks, factories, churches and cars.

56.   The mob could have burned the whole family and we could have all died together.

57.   The mob also burned cars and motorcycles and freed four prisoners detained in the station.

58.   The mob burned shops and homes and terrorized hundreds of residents.

59.   The mob also burned or damaged shops, banks, factories, churches and cars.

60.   The mob burned a British flag.

n. + burn >>共 691
fire 13.08%
protester 4.97%
demonstrator 4.05%
house 2.73%
mob 2.47%
candle 2.17%
flame 1.69%
youth 1.66%
rioter 1.58%
student 1.51%
mob + v. >>共 267
attack 13.44%
burn 5.39%
set 4.02%
be 3.06%
kill 2.82%
throw 2.41%
storm 2.09%
beat 1.93%
loot 1.77%
go 1.69%
每页显示:    共 67