51.   They made the final choice of which target and then choreographed the raid down to its most minute details.

52.   Through hieroglyphics, the lives of the ancient Egyptians are known in minute detail.

53.   Tracing each minute detail of a photograph, as he does, usually takes Richter a couple of hours.

54.   What the older man mainly taught the author was how to observe the minute details of nature.

55.   While Mesa planners challenge minute details in routine projects, he added, they did not feel qualified to question plans for an air-bag factory.

56.   Wuhl can discourse on minute details of films made by his idols, the directors Billy Wilder, Ernst Lubitsch and Preston Sturges.

57.   A detailed questionnaire has been sent out to the Big Six accountancy firms seeking minute details on how they profit from statutory audits.

58.   Before Shapiro began his questioning, Kelberg stretched out his direct examination with several more hours covering minute details.

59.   Diagrams lay out details as minute as the colored threads in curtain tassels.

60.   For the blind, that means mastering minute tactile details that most people never notice.

a. + detail >>共 488
further 35.62%
no 6.21%
financial 3.42%
final 2.80%
immediate 2.71%
additional 2.37%
new 2.00%
full 1.69%
any 1.61%
specific 1.54%
minute 0.60%
minute + n. >>共 258
detail 11.84%
amount 8.88%
lead 4.77%
particle 3.45%
trace 2.80%
mark 2.47%
quantity 1.97%
penalty 1.97%
goal 1.97%
change 1.81%
每页显示:    共 72