51.   And, yes, there were women, members of minority groups and, of course, athletes.

52.   Applications from women and members of minority groups will not receive special treatment, Benavides insists.

53.   Armed ethnic minority groups in a number of areas seek independence by force.

54.   As a white male, business consultant Larry Hobbs says he may have lost opportunities to members of minority groups.

55.   Apparently, many Asian Americans are worried about the pressures of a minority group being a majority.

56.   As an example, Carter cited inequities in the criminal justice system that often penalize blacks and other minorities groups more than whites.

57.   As chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, Jordan last year took a position counter to the thinking of many Democrats and minority groups.

58.   As disabled employees gain greater access to the ordinary workplace, they face many of the same obstacles experienced by other members of minority groups.

59.   As he did in his second inaugural address, Clinton called for racial healing, a message he underscored by recognizing several members of minority groups in the balcony.

60.   As Mondale appealed to every traditional voting group, from labor unions to minority groups to teachers, voters walked away in droves.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
minority 2.20%
minority + n. >>共 560
group 12.15%
stake 5.80%
student 5.05%
community 4.41%
shareholder 4.04%
party 3.45%
right 3.16%
interest 2.21%
population 2.18%
voter 2.12%
每页显示:    共 754