51.   Still, the ministry said it hoped that the quality of disclosures would improve as a result of the measures.

52.   Targets of the investigation also include securities exchanges, securities pricing systems and commodities futures exchanges, the ministry said.

53.   The appointment has been approved by the Canadian government, the ministry said.

54.   The blimp requires a small investment, is technologically simple and offers low fuel consumption and operating costs, the ministry said.

55.   The Belgian transportation ministry said on Tuesday that the driver and the truck that caused the St. Gotthard accident were not licensed.

56.   The blimp also offers tourism and advertising possibilities, the ministry said.

57.   The Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported earlier today that the French foreign ministry has said it will consider cancelling contracts to import Australian coal and uranium.

58.   The commerce ministry said there are no antitrust laws in Spain that would prohibit such a move.

59.   The companies will be able to bid for public projects starting next year, the ministry said.

60.   The development of soybean and cotton crops show the greatest improvement since the last production estimates were made in October, the ministry said.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
ministry 0.73%
ministry + v. >>共 628
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