51.   Elsewhere in Asia, Indonesian President Suharto played down reports of rioting and speculation that a military coup could soon topple his regime.

52.   Ecuador suffered a military coup this year.

53.   Ever since, Mexico has been free of the military coups and dictatorships that have made life miserable in so many Latin American nations.

54.   Fears of a military coup subsided in Paraguay this afternoon as President Juan Carlos Wasmosy reached a truce with rebel army commander General Lino Oviedo.

55.   For instance, Gambia and Burundi have been denied money from the Overseas Private Investment Corp. because of military coups there.

56.   Foreign Minister Guido di Tella of Argentina said the clause was intended to discourage a repetition of an attempted military coup in Paraguay in April.

57.   Four folks, convicted of treason after a military coup disrupts our own United States, put the pedal to the metal.

58.   For that she was accused of participating in a military coup to overthrow the military junta.

59.   Gen. Raoul Cedras led a military coup that overthrew President Aristide, the man who had appointed Cedras to lead the army.

60.   Guatemala, Venezuela and Paraguay have all had close brushes in recent years with military coups, but elected governments are still in place.

a. + coup >>共 288
military 22.18%
failed 9.02%
attempted 7.83%
bloody 5.28%
alleged 4.93%
bloodless 3.39%
major 3.21%
abortive 2.68%
former 2.07%
diplomatic 1.89%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
coup 0.60%
每页显示:    共 501