51.   Store owners worried about looting lowered metal gates and closed early for lunch.

52.   The demand was written in Spanish on a cardboard sign posted Friday on the metal gates at the entrance to the residence.

53.   The Falun Gong spiritual movement maintains that the black metal gates and gray walls of the Mansanjia labor camp hide unspeakable crimes.

54.   The Falun Gong spiritual movement maintains that the black metal gates and gray walls of the Masanjia labor camp hide unspeakable crimes.

55.   The only entrance, by a dirt road, has a locked metal gate.

56.   Then a metal gate slammed.

57.   Today, the compound at Aukar is protected by metal gates, barbed wire, floodlights and detection equipment.

58.   They were separated from public areas of the airport by a metal gate.

59.   Two dozen Palestinian teens took turns running up to a metal gate, throwing stones at an Israeli army watchtower, then pulling back to reload their slingshots.

60.   Vans from a funeral home moved through the metal gate of the ranch.

a. + gate >>共 347
front 12.74%
main 11.64%
metal 4.73%
locked 3.49%
garden 2.84%
back 2.55%
open 2.04%
boarding 1.89%
wooden 1.89%
crossing 1.60%
metal + n. >>共 1168
detector 16.49%
plate 2.24%
bar 1.76%
price 1.54%
door 1.45%
pipe 1.42%
rod 1.35%
part 1.26%
box 1.22%
object 1.16%
gate 0.95%
每页显示:    共 65