51.   Joergensen, briefing reporters ahead of the EU-Japan ministerial meeting next Monday in Tokyo, said the meeting will focus on issues of trade and international stability.

52.   Jordanian officials told the Associated Press in Amman that the meeting focused on the plight of the Palestinian refugees.

53.   Meetings focused on accommodation, venue construction and operations, the Olympic village, and transport.

54.   Ministers and central bankers had signaled the Group of Seven meeting would focus on the outlook for reviving stalled U.S. growth and preventing a global recession.

55.   Moussa said before leaving Cairo that the tripartite meeting will focus on deadlocked Palestinian-Israeli peace talks and statehood.

56.   Officials said the Kremlin meeting would focus on back wages, tax collection and military reform.

57.   Ross said the meetings were focusing on how to expedite the talks, as well as on substantive issues.

58.   Previous APEC energy meetings have focused on how to build a common regulatory framework that would allow energy and investment to flow more freely between member countries.

59.   Rubin said the meeting Monday focused on human rights and humanitarian issues.

60.   That meeting focused on developments in south Lebanon, where Hezbollah guerrillas killed five Israeli soldiers and wounded eight in fighting Monday.

n. + focus >>共 1162
talk 4.73%
company 4.34%
investor 2.80%
attention 2.38%
meeting 2.01%
investigation 1.97%
discussion 1.81%
investigator 1.72%
government 1.43%
group 1.32%
meeting + v. >>共 572
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take 11.28%
come 4.37%
end 2.99%
discuss 2.66%
begin 2.51%
go 2.01%
follow 1.89%
focus 1.69%
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