51.   Deng pushed China toward market reforms and urged the nation to pursue wealth as eagerly as Mao had exhorted them to pursue revolution.

52.   Embattled Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Rosario Lopez has agreed to step down amid criticism that she has blocked vital capital market reforms.

53.   During three decades of Social-Democratic-led rule, stability came before market reform, and state jobs were useful to reward political loyalty.

54.   Earlier, Barshefsky told members of the House International Relations Committee Japan must guard against significant growth in its trade surplus by implementing market reforms.

55.   Even with the agreement, market reforms will remain fragile.

56.   For example Argentina, the report notes, grew much faster after enacting market reforms than Costa Rica.

57.   Foreign investors were herded together and market reforms tested under strict control.

58.   For their part, the borrowing countries would be required to adopt a strict program of market reforms that would be monitored by the bank and the fund.

59.   Free market reforms included cutting subsidies for farmers, eliminating government-subsidized fertilizer and easy credit through special rural banks.

60.   From the Vietnamese side, the agreement represents a recognition that market reforms must go forward if Vietnam is to compete effectively with China for foreign investment.

n. + reform >>共 347
campaign 17.26%
finance 14.33%
welfare 13.63%
market 9.37%
tax 7.16%
education 3.96%
free-market 2.81%
government 1.74%
health-care 1.69%
election 1.67%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
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