51.   Most lottery picks already have signed with agents.

52.   None of the teams are loaded with National Basketball Association lottery picks, so Arizona believes it has as much a chance of winning the whole thing as anyone.

53.   Once regarded as a lottery pick, Griffith may slide to the Suns.

54.   On the plus side, he has Antoine Walker, Eric Williams, and two upcoming lottery picks.

55.   Once thought of as an insurance policy in the Isaiah Rider-Steve Smith trade, the former lottery pick has emerged as the key player for the Hawks.

56.   Orlando, with three lottery picks and packaging potential, is said to covet Martin.

57.   Pitino, who will have two lottery picks with which to work, also likes Tim Duncan.

58.   Should the Leafs and Islanders miss the postseason, it would give the Isles two lottery picks.

59.   Smith lost Michael Jordan a year early, but replacing two lottery picks may be even harder.

60.   So he returned to school, led Syracuse to the NCAA title game and seemingly made himself a lottery pick.

n. + pick >>共 172
draft 47.48%
first-round 16.92%
second-round 7.72%
lottery 4.03%
third-round 3.11%
fourth-round 2.23%
seventh-round 1.89%
fifth-round 1.22%
year 0.80%
sixth-round 0.71%
lottery + n. >>共 278
ticket 16.54%
official 7.14%
pick 6.78%
winner 3.46%
system 2.33%
sale 2.33%
game 2.33%
number 2.19%
money 1.77%
winning 1.70%
每页显示:    共 95